Band Saw - VerticalMÖSSNER-REKORD SM 320
![Band Saw - Vertical MÖSSNER-REKORD SM 320](/images/machine/1000711/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 1000711
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1983
- country of origin:
- Germany
- dimensions of saw-band:
- mm
- throat:
- 315 mm
- workpiece height:
- mm
Bandsaw - HorizontalRAIM 360
![Bandsaw - Horizontal RAIM 360](/images/machine/1000278/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 1000278
- type of control:
- other
- year of manufacture:
- ca. 1995
- country of origin:
- Germany
- cutting diameter:
- 310 mm
- saw band length:
- mm
- saw band width:
- mm
Battery Loading DeviceSTILL D 24/150 SL
![Battery Loading Device STILL D 24/150 SL](/images/machine/1201004/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 1201004
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- ca. 2000
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Volt:
- 380 V
- Ampere:
- 150 A
- charging voltage:
- 24 V
Battery Loading DeviceSTILL D 48/70 SL
![Battery Loading Device STILL D 48/70 SL](/images/machine/1201005/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 1201005
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- ca. 2000
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Volt:
- 380 V
- Ampere:
- 70 A
- charging voltage:
- 48 V
Beam punching lineSCHÜCO S65+ S55+S70
![Beam punching line SCHÜCO S65+ S55+S70](/images/machine/0100628/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 0100628
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1994
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Beam size:
- mm
- Punching capacity:
- kN
- air pressure - required:
- 8 bar
Bed Type Milling Machine - UniversalMTE BF 3200
![Bed Type Milling Machine - Universal MTE BF 3200](/images/machine/0400332/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 0400332
- type of control:
- year of manufacture:
- 2003
- country of origin:
- Spain
- x-travel:
- 3000 mm
- y-travel:
- 1000 mm
- z-travel:
- 1000 mm
Bed Type Milling Machine - UniversalReckermann Delta Kombi 1300K
![Bed Type Milling Machine - Universal Reckermann Delta Kombi 1300K](/images/machine/0400559/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 0400559
- type of control:
- NC
- year of manufacture:
- 2005 / 2021 Vertical
- country of origin:
- Germany
- x-travel:
- 1500 mm
- y-travel:
- 500 mm
- z-travel:
- 450 mm
Bed Type Milling Machine - UniversalAUERBACH FBE 1500
![Bed Type Milling Machine - Universal AUERBACH FBE 1500](/images/machine/0400334/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 0400334
- type of control:
- year of manufacture:
- 2004
- country of origin:
- Germany
- x-travel:
- 1500 mm
- y-travel:
- 1000 mm
- z-travel:
- 1000 mm
Bed Type Milling Machine - UniversalRECKERMANN Kombi 1000
![Bed Type Milling Machine - Universal RECKERMANN Kombi 1000](/images/machine/0400143/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 0400143
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- -
- country of origin:
- Germany
- x-travel:
- 700 mm
- y-travel:
- 370 mm
- z-travel:
- 450 mm
Bench Drilling MachineALZMETALL AX2-T/S
![Bench Drilling Machine ALZMETALL AX2-T/S](/images/machine/0200243/1s.jpg)
- stock-no.:
- 0200243
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 2000
- country of origin:
- Germany
- bore capacity in steel (diameter):
- 18 mm
- throat:
- 250 mm
- bore stroke:
- 100 mm