sheet metal working
- stock-no.:
- 0104211
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1965
- country of origin:
- Germany
- sheet width:
- 1200 mm
- plate thickness:
- 1,0 mm
- throat of pillar:
- 1200 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100051
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- -
- country of origin:
- Germany
- bending angle max.:
- °
- work height max.:
- mm
- voltage:
- 380 / 50 V
- stock-no.:
- 0100037
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1981
- country of origin:
- Czech Republic
- bending angle max.:
- °
- work height max.:
- 1100 mm
- voltage:
- 380 / 50 V
- stock-no.:
- 0100639
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1991
- country of origin:
- Germany
- operating pressure:
- 160 bar
- distance between columns:
- 2000 mm
- throat:
- 1000 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100630
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1974
- country of origin:
- Germany
- pressure:
- 30 t
- ram surface area:
- 450x250 mm
- ram adjustment:
- max. 50 (manual) mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100640
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- ca. 1980
- country of origin:
- Germany
- punching cross section in mm²:
- 45 kp/mm²
- table-size:
- 120x100 mm
- throat:
- 80 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100041
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 2006
- country of origin:
- Netherland
- bending angle max.:
- 75 °
- working height:
- 850 mm
- operating voltage:
- 380 V
- stock-no.:
- 0100903
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- -
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Pressure:
- Hebelkraft t
- diameter:
- mm
- total power requirement:
- kW
- stock-no.:
- 0100904
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1995
- country of origin:
- Germany
- table surface area:
- mm
- throat:
- 1000 mm
- table adjustable:
- mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100555
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- ca. 1985
- country of origin:
- Spain
- material width:
- 200 mm
- material thickness:
- 1,5 mm
- Number of Straightening rolls:
- 5x oben/upper/arriba