- stock-no.:
- 0700307
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1981
- country of origin:
- Germany
- pressure:
- 30 t
- distance between columns:
- BxT: 600/450 mm
- stroke:
- mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700912
- type of control:
- other
- year of manufacture:
- 1989
- country of origin:
- Germany
- lifting capacity:
- t
- lift:
- mm
- span width:
- mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700311
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1997
- country of origin:
- Germany
- pressure:
- 160 t
- distance between columns:
- 1000 mm
- stroke:
- 250 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700397
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- nicht bekannt
- country of origin:
- Germany
- pressure:
- 80 t
- dayligth:
- 600 mm
- ram stroke:
- 200 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700387
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- ca. 2005
- country of origin:
- Germany
- pressure:
- 6 t
- distance between columns:
- - mm
- stroke:
- 130 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700612
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1978
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Pressure:
- 160 t
- stroke:
- mm
- throat:
- mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700428
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- -
- country of origin:
- Germany
- pressure:
- 160 t
- distance between columns:
- mm
- stroke:
- mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700038
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 2003
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Pressure:
- 60 t
- stroke:
- mm
- table surface area:
- mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700035
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1991
- country of origin:
- Czech Republic
- Pressure:
- 20 t
- stroke:
- 500 mm
- table surface area:
- 600 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0700037
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 2022
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Pressure:
- 30 t
- stroke:
- 142,5 mm
- table surface area:
- 500 x180 mm